Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital will rewrite the story of cancer; it will bring together world-class clinicians from Addenbrooke’s Hospital with cutting-edge Cambridge research and industry, enabling early detection of cancer and delivering bespoke, precision treatments that will radically improve patient outcomes.
On Wednesday 19 May 2021 at 18:30 – 19:30 join a zoom webinar to hear 3 experts discussing the exciting work happening here in Cambridge to change the way we detect and treat cancer:
Dr Sarah Jefferies, CUH clinical director for cancer, Mr Harveer Dev, CRUK clinical lecturer in early detection at University of Cambridge and Professor Evis Sala, CUH consultant radiologist and professor of oncological imaging at the University of Cambridge
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Webinar ID: 934 6267 5051, Passcode: 564346
The talk will also be streamed live on the CUH Facebook page and a recording of the talk will be made available after the event with subtitles. The session will also include a live Q&A at the end.
Click here for further details.