Tackling unfairness in healthcare for women with ovarian cancer

March 16, 2022

A new project, funded by Ovarian Cancer Action, aims to improve uptake of genetic testing in women with ovarian cancer, especially in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups that currently have the lowest rates of testing.

The additional molecular information this testing provides helps doctors and patients choose the best, personalised treatment options.

The project team, which includes patients treated at Addenbrooke’s and hospitals in Birmingham, will explore why some groups of women decline genetic testing after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Read the full article on the CRUK Cambridge Centre website.

Read the full article on the NHS CUH website.

Tackling unfairness in healthcare for women with ovarian cancer

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The Mark Foundation Institute for Integrated Cancer Medicine (MFICM) at the University of Cambridge aims to revolutionise cancer care by affecting patients along their treatment pathway.

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