Dr Mireia Crispin-Ortuzar is interviewed by the Naked Scientist

January 29, 2021

Dr Mireia Crispin-Ortuzar talks to the Naked Scientist about the recent CRUK Cambridge Centre and MFICM funded publication: Integrative radiogenomics for virtual biopsy and treatment monitoring in ovarian cancer, Insights into Imaging, 17 Aug 2020.

In addition to being broadcast live on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, Radio National on ABC Australia and BBC Radio 5 the show has been published as a podcast.

You can hear Mireia’s part from 31’16”.

Dr Mireia Crispin-Ortuzar is interviewed by the Naked Scientist

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The Mark Foundation Institute for Integrated Cancer Medicine (MFICM) at the University of Cambridge aims to revolutionise cancer care by affecting patients along their treatment pathway.

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