The WIRE prospective clinical trial – evaluating novel treatment strategies.
The WIndow-of-opportunity clinical trial is a platform for evaluation of novel treatment strategies in REnal cell cancer. There is a window of opportunity for patients with kidney cancer due to the 1 month waiting period from diagnosis to surgery (standard of care).
Phase I of the trial involves combinatorial therapy in clear cell Renal Carcinoma (ccRCC) (VEGF, DDRI, IO,…) Biological rational for drug combinations due to RCC biology and the suggested role of DDR inhibitors.
The aim is to establish a “Proof of mechanism” defined by biological evidence of agent(s) engaging the predicted cellular pathway, by meeting 2 of the following criteria:
The Wire Patient Pathway:
The Mark Foundation Institute for Integrated Cancer Medicine (MFICM) at the University of Cambridge aims to revolutionise cancer care by affecting patients along their treatment pathway.